Saturday, August 1, 2015


Nebraska, I'm trying, I really am.  But after traveling about 240 miles from Lincoln to North Platte, I could try to wane poetic and try to describe your state.  But South Park describes it best:

Mostly, this state is here to drive through on our way to other places.  The second best description of this state is from Bruce Springsteen's song, Nebraska.  Basically, you drive around until you go crazy and earn a spot in the electric chair.

But back to me trying.  I drove all the way across this state and noticed the sign that Pioneer Village is the #1 attraction state.  I have been there, and unfortunately, this might be true.  I haven't been to the SAC museum, but I hold out hope that it is a better attraction.  Since I plan to criss-cross this nation, I guess I will cross this state many times.  I will try to be patient, but if I could rearrange the states, I would move Nebraska up to a corner so it would be out of the way.

Good luck on the football season....


  1. I absolutely think Nebraska is MUCH better look at, while driving through/across, than Kansas...OMG-boring!
